What are hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels in the lower rectum or anus caused by increased pressure or straining. They can cause pain, itching, bleeding and swelling, and when more severe, they can extend through the anus (prolapse), and even clot off or become gangrenous! This very common condition affects about half of Americans by the age of 50. Unfortunately, hemorrhoids often don’t go away on their own, and they tend to worsen over time.

Get permanent relief from hemorrhoids.

“Banding” or cutting off hemorrhoid’s blood supply with tiny rubber bands, is the most common and effective non-surgical hemorrhoid treatment in use today. In our practice, we have taken banding to a new level of excellence. We utilize the patented CRH O’Regan System ™ which is smaller and more comfortable for patients and uses gentle suction instead of metal-toothed forceps to grasp the hemorrhoid, thus significantly reducing the risk of pain and bleeding.

Also, because the device is 100% disposable and single-use, the risk for cross-patient infection (i.e. HIV, hepatitis B, and C) associated with inadequately sterilized conventional equipment is eliminated. The hemorrhoid typically falls off within a day or so, and 99.8% of patients have no post-procedure pain. Performed in our offices in as little as 60 seconds, the banding technique has been found to be 99.1% effective.

No more suffering in silence.

No more ointments, creams, or suppositories. No more living with hemorrhoids. In less than a minute you can get rid of them permanently without pain or medication! The CRH O’ Regan System™ is a simple, painless, and highly effective procedure. In fact, many of our patients with office jobs return to work following the appointment. Others rest at home afterward and resume normal activities the next day. Don’t keep treating your hemorrhoids. Remove them.